Static Test Analysis Videos
001 - Capture thrust curve data from WinDAQ file (90 meg .wmv file, 7:07 playtime)
002 - Import thrust curve data into Excel analysis spreadsheet (85 meg .wmv file, 6:43 playtime)
003 - Analyze Motor. Determine Total Thrust, Average Thrust, Burn Time, ISP (57 meg .wmv file, 5:37 playtime)
004 - Secondary Analysis - Estimate of case pressure, Nozzle throat regression (44 meg .wmv file, 4:20 playtime)
005 - Video analysis - a check on the reality of this test. (58 meg .wmv file, 5:55 playtime)
006 - Kn calculators - spreadsheets for calculating Kn for BATES and uninhibited grains (26 meg .wmv file, 1:46 playtime)
Click Here to open the spreadsheet used in these videos.
I recommend right-click on the link for a file, select "Save As..." and put it on your hard drive somewhere.
These large HD video files will likely play better from a hard drive than streaming from the web.
More to come!
Jimmy Yawn